How Loose and Dry Soil Can Cause Foundation Problems

Ask any homeowner and they’ll tell you one of their worst fears is having foundation problems. When you begin to have foundation problems you’ll experience signs all over your home. You’ll find it hard to shut windows, close doors, and even walk around your home. It’s the responsibility of the foundation to keep the rest of the home intact. Once the foundation starts to have problems the rest of your home is in danger.

There can be a number of reasons why your foundation is starting to have problems. One of the first places you should look is the soil surrounding your home. Is it too moist? It’s the job of the soil to work to support the foundation. Some areas of the country see more rain than others. Too much rain can cause the soil to loosen up and expand. Without the necessary support the foundation eventually begins to crack and break in certain areas. You can find more information on loose soil at

A great way to solve the moisture problem is to install gutters along the roof of your home. Without gutters rainwater is able to fall off of the edge of the roof and directly onto the surrounding soil. Gutters work to guide this water away from the soil and away from the home.

Don’t think for a second that avoiding moisture altogether is going to keep your foundation intact. Why? Foundations problems can also occur when the surrounding soil is too dry. Some areas around the country see little to no rainfall during the year. This causes the ground to become severely dry. Extremely dry soil begins to shrink and separate from the foundation, which means the foundation isn’t being supported enough. As a result cracks begin to form.

If you have soil that’s too dry, and you don’t see enough rainfall, consider using a sprinkler system or soaker hose. Sprinklers can be aimed at the foundation of your home when you water the grass. However, a soaker hose is made specifically for maintaining a foundation.

Visit for more information about foundations and foundation repair. Any signs you see need to be addressed as soon as possible. Cracked foundations will only get worse as time goes on.